November 22, 2010


Today, Myla finished her first 6 weeks of training classes!! She did awesome and was one of the best ones in her class! I signed up for the next round, which doesn't start until January, but I'm really excited and can't wait to see what else she can learn to do!

Tomorrow, Myla gets her last round of puppy shots. I really want to know what she weighs. She has had a growth spurt, and is no longer my tiny little puppy. She is now bigger and heavier than Sunny!!

In the next couple day, my mom and I are going to attempt an all house pets Christmas photo for our Christmas cards. I can't foresee it going very well, but we are sure going to try. I'll post the pictures as soon as I have them.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!!

November 7, 2010

Working Out with Myla

This is what Myla was doing while I was working out on my Wii Fit. Sometimes, I wish I could live her life!!

Then she decided that she wanted to help, which resulted in her stealing the remote and running off with it. Needless to say, I had to stop and play with her (and take cute pictures in the process!).

These next 2 are for you CindyPup! She still loves her panda! It did have to have surgery though, and no longer has a nose, but she still loves it just the same!