September 25, 2010

The First Couple Days

So I've now had Myla for two whole days. So far, it has been pretty okay. We've only had two accidents in the house, which I think is awesome for a puppy this young.

Sunny and Myla are getting along okay. She is learning that pouncing on him is not the way to get his attention. Instead, she gets really low to the ground and sideways crawls toward him, occasionally rolling over on to her back and bating at him with her front feet, trying to entice him to play with her. It is really amusing to watch! (I will try to post a video of it later on.) Her excitement has, however, overcome her a couple of times, and she got a quick correction from him, resulting in her yelping and pouting in the corner. Overall, they are doing really good together, but he has yet to show any interest in playing with her. For right now, he just tolerates her.

When I take her outside to go potty, I walk her around on a leash. Yesterday after work, I let her off her leash, just to see what she would do. She ran circle around me, pounced on leaves, and tried to eat them, which I didn't let her do. She didn't, however, try to run away. She stayed close to me, and if I thought she was too far, I would call her, and she would come running back.

As good as she has been, there is one thing that is driving us all crazy. She whines and howls....A LOT! Sometimes for no apparent reason. We have tried getting her interested in her toys, treats, picking her up...nothing works sometimes. She will even carry around her toys and whine as she is holding them. She must still miss her siblings, so hopefully in a few days the whining will stop, or at least lessen! I'm crossing my fingers!

Overall, so far so good! I love having her! Even my dad, who didn't really want another dog, will greet her when he comes home and play with her out in the yard. He even said that he liked her, and he's really not a "dog person." So, I think it is safe to say that she is a great addition to our family!

I'll try to post some pictures soon! My computer/internet wouldn't let me this time.

1 comment:

  1. Myla and Sunny are learning little by little the other dog's personality and how to react. I'm certain they will be best buddies in no time. :) This is a really cute blog M.A.B.! I can't wait to read more as Myla gets older and becomes a "teenager". LOL!

